The initial drive of this project was to raise money for brain injury and movement disorder organizations, achieved through the donation of photographic material for the publication of a book.' Life Still Dreams' became the first photobook to visually illustrate an illness through the medium of photographic storytelling.
Captured in a library of images dating from early as the 1970s using Kodak 8mm film, to modern day digital format - this photographic design style focuses on capturing geometric based, high contrast photography compositions in its general scope of work.
The published photobook follows a cinematic theme, illustrated as ‘Life. Still. Dreams’, and is a reflection of life experiences. The sequencing of the images is to evoke an emotional journey and highlight the vibrancy, yet stillness of life.
Donations from this book and the website will be given to Movement Disorder Charities, which include, Parkinson's UK, Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Association and UCL Hospitals Charity UK.
Available in MONOCHROME and in COLOR
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Photography - Sri Siva Sankaran
Editorial - Lakshmi Pathmanathan
Life Still Dreams founded by Sri Siva Sankaran
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